Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Second time users doing Dr. Simeons plan.

The dieters doing the hcg diet who have completed the protocol and wish to do it again must still go through the same phases including phase 1 of consuming lots of food. The first phase might sound counter-intuitive, but it is needed to prepare the body for the 500 calorie diet on phase 2. Many people including doctors all over the world have confidently stated that this is is truly the fat cure. Please give us your feed back and let us know how you feel about this controversial weight loss plan. This is a hard plan to follow, but with the right coaching and small time frame anything is possible.

Información sobre la Dieta HCG en Español.:
Reporte Al Rojo Vivo (Video) en Español:

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Shirataki Noodles (Fideos)

Fideos Shirataki están convirtiendo rápidamente en la próxima gran tendencia entre los entusiastas de la salud. Y como la mayoría de las nuevas tendencias, el mercado aún no ha sido capaz de mantenerse al día con la alta demanda entre los consumidores. Esto ha hecho que la búsqueda de fideos Shirataki una tarea difícil. Muchos minoristas principales aún no han comenzado a almacenar sus estantes con este súper alimento y los que se suelen agotarse rápidamente. Así que si usted ha estado tratando de averiguar dónde comprar fideos Shirataki, aquí hay algunos consejos para recordar.

Al buscar en su supermercado local, podría tener la tentación de comenzar a buscar los pasillos que llevan todas sus comidas favoritas de pasta. Sin embargo, esto no es donde se suelen encontrar estos fideos especiales. En su lugar, debe ser la búsqueda de los pasillos que se centran en la especialidad, internacional, o alimentos de Asia (el título específico variará entre las diferentes tiendas). También puede ser necesario para comprobar los pasillos refrigerados si prefiere la alternativa tofu.

Para ahorrar tiempo, es posible que desee intentar encontrar fideos Shirataki en sus tiendas de especialidades locales en lugar de los principales mercados de alimentos. Por ejemplo, casi todas las tiendas que se centra en los alimentos de Asia (especialmente productos importados) es propensos a vender estos fideos. Los asociados son propensos a saber lo que que está hablando si se les pregunta acerca de los fideos por su nombre. Si no es así, es posible que también desee preguntar acerca de konjac o fideos konnyaku. Ambos términos se refieren comúnmente a los mismos tipos de fideos. Usted tendrá la mejor oportunidad de encontrar fideos Shirataki en este tipo de tiendas.

Como casi todo en nuestra era digital, es posible que tenga un poco de suerte para encontrar fideos Shirataki en Internet. Muchas de las tiendas en línea populares ofrecen estos fideos. La compra de alimentos en línea puede ser un problema de salud, por lo que es importante encontrar una fuente de confianza. Muchos vendedores legítimos también le puede proporcionar suplementos adicionales que mejorarán los beneficios de salud de sus fideos. El descubrimiento de estos fideos en el Internet le ahorra un viaje a la tienda y le permite ordenar este súper alimento desde la comodidad de su propia casa.

Puede encontrar toda la información que necesita sobre la búsqueda de fideos Shirataki y aprovechando sus beneficios para la salud al visitar:

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

FDA Outlaws HCG Ban Illegal Weight Loss

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning consumers to avoid any over-the-counter "homeopathic" human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) products that claim to help with weight loss. These products, which can be sold as oral drops, sprays, and/or pellets, can be found on the Internet and in some retail stores. HCG is a hormone that is produced by the placenta when a woman is pregnant.

According to the FDA, these HCG products are marketed to consumers along with an unhealthy, very low calorie diet, sometimes as little as 500 calories daily. While these products boast outrageous claims for successful weight loss, the truth be told, "any loss is from severe calorie restriction. Not from the HCG," according to a statement made by Elizabeth Miller, acting director FDA's Division of Non-Prescription Drugs and Health Fraud, on the FDA website.

Consuming 500 calories a day is potentially very hazardous and dangerous. Restricting your calories to such a low level can increase your risk of multiple side effects, such as the formation of gallstones, an imbalance of important electrolytes that your body needs for your muscles and nerves to function properly, cause an irregular heartbeat, and even death, according to the FDA on HCG.

The FDA suggests that if you have purchased homeopathic HCG products to not only stop using them but also the diet. If you experience any harmful side effects, you should report these online at:
or by phone at 800-FDA-1088.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Ultra HCG Drops

The HCG Diet is currently being offered in Miami after this popular trend is spreading through out every town in the world many people have been asking where can I buy HCG. Maybe it has become so famous because there is no need for exercise, in fact, exercise is not allowed when on Phase 2 of the diet, which is the phase where the most weight is lost. Contrary to popular belief from uninformed people who have completed the diet, there is no need for unpleasant injections on the Ultra HCG Diet Drops treatment.

Even-though the world is now learning about this fat burning program, three decades ago Dr. Simeons from Italy treated clients who were obesity with this same diet. In fact, it was Dr. A.T.W. Simeons who published the manuscript "Pounds and Inches", explaining the idea, steps, and nutrition to be taken when on the diet.

Whoever is on the diet drops would lose two pounds of unwanted body fat each day, and will not sacrifice any lean muscle mass. The individual will feel vitalized, sleep good, and even their skin will look better. All that is needed is consume the homeopathic drops 3 times daily with a 500 calorie diet and witness the pounds disappear away. These diet drops can help combat the hunger so you never feel famished, evermore!

You may ask, what is HCG Ultra? HCG is short for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, a hormone that occurs naturally in the body. We all have this hormone, but the production has a boost during the time women are pregnant. This hormone helps the body to save it's lean muscle, at the same time making the body to burn the stored fat as energy. That's the reason you do not feel tired. This hormone also helps in resetting the hypothalamus which is a part of the brain that is known to control the body's metabolism.

Ultra HCG is among one of many brands with customer complaints. For a complete list of brands, visit:

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Mexico Low Carb

Mexico : Currently Mexico is working on a low carbon development model to reduce their CO2 emissions. Mexico has designed the Special Climate Change Program, which is the countries agenda to deal with climate change and adaptation. Companies in Mexico are willingly inventorying their greenhouse gas emissions. At COP13 Mexico ranked fourth on the Climate Change Performance Index (whereas the US ranked 55 out of 56.) Mexico is currently increasing renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, as well as planting forests. This “will reduce the country's greenhouse-gas emissions by 110 million tons by the year 2020.” Mexico is very interested in solving the climate change issue and is working very hard to reach very reasonable goals; they are more than just talk, but a lot of action too. Mexico is helping to lead the Americas and Least Developed Countries.

For a information on HCG in Mexico, visit:

Friday, October 14, 2011

Ultra HCG

Results of a woman after 30 days on the HCG Diet.
Results After 30 Days
The HCG Diet is currently being sold in South Florida after this popular craze is moving through every town in the world many people have been asking where can I buy HCG. Maybe it has become so famous because there is no need for exercise, in fact, exercise is not allowed when on Phase 2 of the treatment, which is the phase where the most fat is burned. Contrary to popular belief from uninformed people who have completed the program, there is no need for agonizing injections on the Ultra HCG Diet Drops program.

Even if the common people are recently finding out about this weight loss program, three decades ago Dr. Simeons from Rome treated patients who were obesity with this same program. Matter of fact, it was Dr. Simeons who published the book "Pounds and Inches", which outlines the idea, steps, and nutrition to be taken when on the program. Source:

Whoever is on the drops may lose one to two pounds of stored body fat daily, and won't lose any lean muscle. The person will feel motivated, sleep great, and even their skin will look great. All you do is take the homeopathic drops 3 times each day with a 500 calorie diet and see the pounds disappear away. These drops will help combat the appetite so you never feel famished, ever again! Source:

You may ask, what is HCG? HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, a hormone that occurs naturally in the human body. We all have this hormone, but the level surges during the time when a woman is pregnant. This hormone services the body to keep it's muscle mass, at the same time making the body to burn the stored fat as energy. That's the reason you do not feel tired. This hormone also assists in rebooting the hypothalamus which is a part of the brain that is known to control the body's metabolism.

Today we found some new web post about Ultra HCG. These articles are unbiased reviews about Ultra HCG. If you don't already know, the Ultra HCG is just a brand of the new trendy diet HCG, which is based on a very low calorie diet and taking a hormone found in pregnant women that helps the embryo receive nourishment by burning stored body fat as calories found in the mother. Even school blogs speak on the last diet cure. Source:

GNC Weight Loss Drops

HCG at GNC is now not being offered through out South Florida since this hot trend is spreading through out every state in the world. Maybe it has become so famous because there is no need for exercise, matter of fact, exercise is should not be done when going through Phase 2 of the treatment, which is the phase in which the most fat is burned. Contrary to many uninformed people who've completed the diet, there is no need for dreadful injections on the HCG at GNC drops.

Event if the general public are now discovering about this fat burning program, 30 years ago Dr. Simeons from Rome treated patients that suffered from being over weight with this same program. Matter of fact, it was Dr. A.T.W. Simeons who published the manuscript "Pounds and Inches", outlining the theory, battle plan, and eats to be ingested when on the diet.

Whoever is on the diet could lose 1 to 2 pounds of stored fat per day, and will not waste any muscle mass. The individual will feel vitalized, sleep great, and even their skin will look great. All you do is consume the homeopathic drops three times a day with a low calorie diet and see the pounds disappear away. These diet drops assist to battle the appetite so you never feel starved, ever again!

So what is this HCG? HCG means Human chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone that occurs naturally in the human body. We all have this hormone, but the production has a boost during the time when a woman is pregnant. This hormone helps the body to protect it's muscle mass, at the same time making the body to consume the stored fat as fuel. This is why you do not feel tired. This hormone also assists in rebooting the hypothalamus which is a part of the brain that controls the body's metabolism.

Informacion sobre la HCG en GNC se puede encontrar en esta pagina:
Para más información acerca de la HCG mandenos un mensaje.